Radio So we got together to record a podcast and let’s just saywe placed the bar low. When we get back together next week there will be lots of room improvement. Besides, why use our best material the first time out?

Anyway, consider this the director’s cut to the still unnamed podcast. Oh yes, that means there will be more and from what I can tell it will be exponentially better than the one attached at the bottom of this page.

The best part? Excluding the solid minute we spent discussing former Phillies pitcher David Coggin, it had to be when we walked out of the room after it was all finished and tried to convince each other it wasn’t awful. It reminded me of the time when my friend John got a home brewing kit and we spent the better part of the night/morning making our own beer. It was quite a process, what with the yeast and balloons and industrial sized plastic tubs. What a mess!

A few weeks later when our friends were grimacing and choking it down, no one had the nerve to tell us how awful it was.

“Yeah,” our friends said making a face and smacking their tongue off the roof of their mouths as if they just chewed a Brillo pad. “It’s not bad.”

Indeed, our first podcast effort was just like making our own beer from a kit in my friend John’s kitchen.

Here’s the DVD extras… when Sarah Baicker was introduced, she waved. Yes, she knew it was audio, but she waved anyway. Also, we used some low-rent four-tracker, but were only smart enough to bring one microphone. Because of that, six of us had to huddle around a desk and talk loud enough for our voices to be picked up over the din of the air conditioner and/or fluorescent lights.

Next week we’ll be sure to staple egg cartons to the walls and ceiling like Terrence Howard and Anthony Anderson in “Hustle & Flow.”

Loved that movie.

Regardless, for the second episode we will have the great Tom Finer engineering things and I promise to keep a tighter grip on the reins. Take those to the bank.

And without further blathering, here is the first edition of the nameless podcast:




 check us out on iTunes, too.


Here’s what I need from our listener(s): submit a (tasteful) name for the show. E-mail them to me here. The one that is chosen will earn the submitter a guest shot on the show… or maybe a pack of baseball cards or something like that.

Cast of characters
John Finger,
Sarah Baicker,
Dan Roche, Comcast SportsNet - Philadelphia

Also appearing
Dennis Deitch, Delaware County Daily Times
Mike Radano, collateral damage

Special appearance
Andy Schwartz as "The Kid"