Hi folks... we're still playing around with formats and ideas here at Finger Food and CSNPhilly.com, but in the meantime here are a few updates: My personal Twitter site remains the same. It's there. I update it. Sometimes it's good, other times it's boring. You know... like life. Anyway, if you want to know where I am at every single minute, hire a private dick. If you want to know what I think about, say, The Wrestler, within 140 characters, then, yes, my Twitter page is for you.

Also, we set up Twitter pages for all sorts of things at CSNPhilly.com. Here's what we have so far...

CSNPhilly: http://twitter.com/CSNPhilly

The Phillies: http://twitter.com/Phillies_Alert

The Flyers: http://twitter.com/Flyers_Alert

The Sixers: http://twitter.com/Sixers_Alert

You know... follow along. It will be fun.

Also, check back tonight for a new story. I'll have something after I do some thinkin'.
