While trying to wrap our little minds about all that's gone on recently (as well as with what is about to come), perhaps it's a good idea to dive into a hodgepodge of stories hitting the wires today. Before doing that, however, it's only fair to point out that Peter Gammons of ESPN acknowledged his shortcomings during his interview with Alex Rodriguez. And unlike Rodriguez, Gammons was explicit when offering his mea culpa in an e-mail interview with the popular web site, Deadspin.

Gammons wrote:

I think in retrospect, I should have interrupted the Arod rant. My first question asked if Selena's story were true, he essentially admitted it was, and I believed she was therefore vindicated. I usually don't get into grudges, and felt he was promoting her book, which will be her response. I was trying to get Alex in his own words, but Jeff's criticism has merit that I accept.

So, with Gammons falling on the proverbial sword, it's only fair to retract my criticisms of the ol' ballscribe from Tuesday's little rant on the A-Roid situation and the ESPN interview. Most people (journalists especially) have difficulty admitting mistakes, so if someone of Gammons' stature can admit that he wasn't his best, well, I guess it's even more fair to acknowledge the professionalism and grace.

So there.

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