JavierFor the first time in recent memory, my suitcase and I showed up at the same place at the same time. Let's hope that's a sign of good things to come here in the land of comfortable footwear and early-bird specials[1]. Anyway, I'm sleepy and need some rest before waking up early to find coffee and a suitable trail to carve out 15-to-20[2], so I'm not going to wax on about the latest developments regarding the Phillies and the pitching staff. I'm also not going to delve into the fact that Daniel Day-Lewis' most recent Academy Award is probably the best actor since Brando, nor the fact that the Coen Bros. have achieved a body of work that puts them in the same pantheon as Bergman, Fellini and Hitchcock - or at least the level just below that.

Speaking of the Academy Awards, why do the hosts and presenters always tell us, the viewer, how many people are watching worldwide? How do they know? And if they know how many people are watching the Academy Awards worldwide, don't they also know how many people turned on the TV and fell asleep, or how many people turned it on but left the room to take a phone call or something?

I really don't think they know what they're talking about.

OK. Jim Cramer is shouting at me from the television, my head hurts and it's time to unwind. I need my rest if I'm going to sport those comfortable shoes and find the best tofu special at 4 p.m.

[1] These are two really good things.[2] Miles not minutes.
