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Hank Haney



Sir Chuck of the 19th Hole

july14_barkley_299x299We're going Dawk free from here for awhile. In the future we'll get all indignant about those one-year offers, but not now. Instead, here comes Sir Charles of the Links... Sir Chuck of the 19th Hole.

Yes, it's true. Charles Barkley is in rehab. No, not that rehab, but instead a rehab for one of the most atrocious and offending elements of his public persona.

Yes, Sir Chuck is working on getting that golf swing solved.

Here's the thing about that - Barkley's swing is/was so bad that it wasn't as if he could head down to the local driving range and hook up with a pro to iron out things. It was just a horrendous physical act - more like a dry heave in the middle of a hiccup - that anything else. The fact is, Barkley's swing defied biology, chemistry and his drinking buddy, Steve Urkle, who we imagine has a smooth stroke -- he probably has the weight distribution and everything down cold. Won't move his head either. Laser focus.

So because it was too far gone for any common remedy, Barkley brought out the big guns. With the Golf Channel's cameras rolling, the ex-Round Mound of Rebound turned Rotund Master of the Mic, sought out the help of swing doctor, Hank Haney.

For the uninformed, Hank Haney is no typical golf coach. Nope, not at all. When Tiger Woods needs to figure out why his drives are going just 300 yards and slightly right of center, he dials up Haney to get him squared away.

So undoubtedly, Haney must be able to help a lost cause like Chuck, right?

Take a look:


