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How are you going to get that out?

Wouldn't you know it... there is a high-school girls distance running camp here in Estes Park this week. Melody Fairchild, regarded by some as the best high-school cross country runner ever is the director. I suspect we'll see a few of the campers galavanting around town.

Anyway, I will report back tonight while watching Chase Utley in the Home Run Derby in Yankee Stadium. I also may report on the Phillies first half, a trip to Boulder as well as other adventures.

The truth about the Home Run Derby is that I'll watch until the local guy goes out and then I'll turn it off. Oh, I might stick around a little longer tonight because it's at Yankee Stadium and the visages are bound to be much more interesting than any other ballpark, but really, who can stand to listen to Chris Berman.

Generally I don't care about the announcers of sporting events at all. It's easy to block them out as long as the focus is on the actual game, but Chris Berman... man is he awful.

Listening to Chris Berman is a lot like trying to put your entire fist into your mouth. Not only is it difficult and a tremendous waste of time, but if you succeed and get those knuckles past an incisor and/or molar and actually get your fist in your mouth, now what? All you are is some jackass sitting there in front of the TV with your fist in your mouth... how are you going to get it out?

My advice? Don't listen to Berman -- turn down the sound if you must. And please, for the love of all that's holy, do not put your fist in your mouth.

